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So often, our suffering is deepened by a sense that we are unusual and cursed to be feeling it.
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We are so scared that hatred might be the last word on a situation that we forget to honour its legitimate role in any process of recovery.
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For some of us, the lucky breaks – when they finally come along – far from being simple to assimilate and build upon, set off an insuperable background level of anxiety that may end up with us destroying much that we ostensibly want.
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Why do some of us end up associating the word love with a lack of calm, an absence of generosity, a strong degree of disdain or disregard – and what’s more, not even notice that we do so?
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For those of us who know the activity from the inside, who suffer from despondency and fury and may have found ourselves bursting into tears after yet another disappointment, the word ‘brutal’ may be an understatement.
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In the pantheon of modern villains of love, there is one character who stands out as worthy of particular condemnation: the fiend who starts a new relationship while still not fully over their ex.
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We gathered at The School of Life to discuss something unusual: our teddy bears.
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The most effective ‘thieves’ aren’t the ones who strip people of material possessions; it’s the ones who quietly and harmlessly sit down and think about the beauty of what they desire.
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Thinking about the age of the earth is – unexpectedly perhaps – among the more consoling and calming of all activities.
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The familiar structure of films, ingrained in us since childhood, has a particular power to counteract our self-defeating impulses.
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The true toll of bad childhoods isn’t circumscribed to their actual duration; it’s exacted via a lifelong search for their sad echoes.
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Rarely but significantly, someone may enter our lives who is seismically dangerous: someone who is deep down extremely unwell and compelled to externalise their sickness by harming others…
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A ‘germ’ has come to stand in for some other concern hovering just off stage. Germaphobes may be scrubbing away trying to expunge something; it’s just not what they tell us it is.
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Hoarding is motivated by a fear of loss. By holding on to everything, the hoarder hopes that no further important things will be thrown away.
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For those of us who are not wholly steady inside, what happens in the political realm is not as distinct from us as it might be – and may prove especially charged and especially dangerous.
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Alien delusions have to be read as a persecuted mind’s ingenious, desperate but highly understandable attempt to cope with awfulness.
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The mystery is not that men and women occasionally go strange at the prospect of love, but that they ever dare do anything else…
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What unexpected rates of interest happiness charges. If only the sweet times had come with warning labels.
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The less we are able to admit to our despair, the more intense it will be. Here are some of the low points that deserve lamentation…
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In certain cases, one partner will punish another not for doing anything wrong, but precisely the opposite. They are being punished for their sweetness, crushed for their gentleness and tormented for their faith.
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It is hugely honourable to do one’s utmost to be with someone. It may be greater love still to adore a person – and leave them well alone.
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In order to outsmart our obsessions, we need to understand how badly our brains often work – and then figure out canny ways to work around their many cognitive glitches.
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Stoicism was a philosophy invented by leading minds in Ancient Greece and Rome to help us cope with agonising periods of our lives – especially those created by the selfishness and insanity of dictators and demagogues…
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There is definitely something up with us; it’s just that the issue lies in our minds rather than in our bowels or stomachs.
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We might be the stated owners of our whole beings; yet we consciously inhabit only a very small part of ourselves.
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When the people we call historians talk about conflicts, the blame is almost always laid at the door of material factors. But the truth may be rather different – and far stranger…
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It’s a feature of our minds that we cannot help but fill silences; we automatically develop notions of what an absence must signify.
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The world is not short of advice for those who are struggling to get over their exes. The problem is how much of it is extremely sensible and therefore, in its way, utterly ineffective.
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Once we are done with rightfully expelling every last demented and unworthy partner from our domain, we may be extremely proud of how well we have followed the principles of emotional maturity; we may also be entirely alone.
What follows is a sequence of questions that exes who are meeting up again after a long break should discuss with one another before coming anywhere near to holding hands (let alone going to bed).
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It was hard to get around, life was narrow and judgemental, there wasn’t much to do in the evenings…but there was one enormous advantage: there were so very few options to choose from.
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People’s behaviour towards us is to a large extent determined by what we unconsciously communicate that we deserve from others.
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Every date is at heart a recruitment interview, for which we need to show up with a privately held brief and the right set of questions. This is possibly the most serious work of our lives.
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We’re up against one of the central tripwires of existence. We’re trying to remake a human being; we’re attempting to retool DNA with our bare hands.
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It can help to begin with a sense of what it is we should be looking out for in terms of markers of emotional maturity – so that we may know as early as possible who we have on our hands.
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There is only so complicated a relationship ever needs to be. When it is viable, love is – all told – fairly obvious.
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There are a host of rules around ending relationships that all decent people understand – and here, framed for our consciences, are eight of the most important.
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Life is inherently filled with frustrations but how we interpret these frustrations – what we take them to mean, who we think is responsible for them and how we opt to complain about them (or don’t) – is fascinatingly diverse.
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If the anxious can accept that their condition isn’t a sign of random sickness but is the result of a very identifiable sort of upbringing, they may develop the courage one day to explain their fears to a partner.
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One of the most perplexing of all our behaviours is our tendency – in relationships – to flee from the warmth and affection it is so natural for us to want.
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Here are seven ways in which we can improve our relationships – not so much by asking them to evolve as by altering the mindset we approach them with.
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To love is not to confront someone with the full might of moral judgement at all times. It is to be able to bear something less than ideal at points.
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We don’t typically imagine that sexual deviants have very much to teach us about anything. But this is to miss out on a disquieting reality: these deviants are manifesting in an extreme form proclivities in which we are all to some extent implicated.
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Here is humanity as we seldom allow ourselves to see it: neither triumphant nor defeated, but doggedly persisting – despite so many arguments against it.
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