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The Challenges of Male Friendships image


The Challenges of Male Friendships

Men are lonely not through any specific deficiency on their part but because of an inherent conflict between what is required of being a man on the one hand and what is involved in being a friend on the other.

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Why Introverts Are As They Are image


Why Introverts Are As They Are

We become introverted or extroverted as a result of particular experiences; it is our distinctive path through childhood that determines at which end of the spectrum we are going to fall.

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The Boring Person image


The Boring Person

The boring person isn’t really boring; they are in manic flight from what is profoundly and agonisingly interesting in themselves.

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After They Left


After They Left

For years, we forgot all about ownership. It would have made no sense to ask who owned the little vase…
Why Hurt People Hurt People


Why Hurt People Hurt People

It’s one of the puzzles of relationships that, after a hugely promising few months or years, one of the members…
The Wisdom of Stoicism


The Wisdom of Stoicism

Stoicism was a philosophy invented by leading minds in Ancient Greece and Rome to help us cope with agonising periods…