Online psychotherapy at The School of Life is a truly global service which assists clients from over 40 countries. Our highly skilled and qualified practitioners help you get to the root of issues and will give you new clarity on your past and your present.
Our online psychotherapists use the ideas of The School of Life – found in our YouTube films and books – to work with you to unpack your story and offer you a chance to spend concentrated time on yourself, deepening insight into whatever feels most urgent. The journey is always creative, with the therapist actively listening and proposing ideas, perspectives, and challenges with sensitivity and insight.
Meet the Team
When you consult one of our online psychotherapists, you’ll have an initial assessment of your situation and a chance to regularly review your progress measured against your initial goals. Our therapists may also suggest that you complement regular one-on-one work with Group Therapy, a Therapeutic Retreat, or Couples work.Other Therapies to Consider
The School of Life is holding a series of 4-day Retreats designed to help you heal from emotional challenges in an atmosphere of friendship, learning and discovery.
Couple & Other Relationships Therapy
A safe forum in which to discuss issues that might be harming intimacy and closeness – in the company of a fair-minded, highly astute therapist.
Career Counselling
There are few questions harder or lonelier than ‘What should I do with my working life?’ The School of Life offers a Career Counselling Service designed to guide us deftly and humanely towards the kind of jobs in which we can truly thrive.
Business Coaching
Our Business Coaches marry up a deep understanding of the working world with an equally profound grasp of emotional functioning.
Our CBT therapists are particularly good at helping with obsessive or intrusive concerns, panic attacks, self-defeating behaviours, shyness, addictions, perfectionism, anxiety, and depression.
USA Therapy
The School of Life’s therapy service operates globally but – because of US regulations – our American customers are invited to make use of our outstanding US therapists, based in California.
We offer EMDR, a specialized technique involving hand tapping and eye movement which activates the brain in a specific way to help us to recover from traumatic experiences.
Group Therapy
An essential part of well-being comes through regularly connecting at depth with other people. Our group therapy sessions run online every week and are a chance to talk to other participants at The School of Life – in the presence of a therapist-moderator – about whatever might be on your mind.

Why Exactly Can Therapy Help Us?
What is it about therapists that gives them the power to alleviate our sorrows and restore hope? Watch a short film that lays out our perspective.